A downloadable Radio Drama

"When the stars are right, and all parallel lines converge.

Guided by the fragrance doesn't exist in this world, the lamb finds its eternal rest in the pure white garden."

The story begins in 1917, during WWI when the cathedral was forced to become a treatment center for wounded soldiers.

But around this cathedral and the town, strange cases of dismemberment occurred one after another...

In this radio drama, we will lead the audience to follow a veteran who once escaped from the battlefield, embarking on a perilous adventure to unravel the trauma within.

Even after more than forty years, the shadows and horrors of the battlefield still leave Marka physically and mentally exhausted.

Amidst the gradually numbing daily life, a new war erupts once again.

Marka discovers that the Saint Estelle Cathedral, which cares for a large number of wounded soldiers, resonates with the "book" he was given during the war many years ago.

For the first time in decades, he feels that the answers are so close. His comrade, Channing, who has been with him for many years, also reminds Marka that the church may hold the answers he has been seeking all his life.

However, as Marka delves deeper into the cathedral's hidden secrets, the shadowy blades draw closer to him.

(About 90mins)

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